Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 6:Invitation to Bergamo

A coworker who overheard us talking excitedly about the snow forecast has checked some places near Milan where we can frolic in the snow for a day. Unfortunately, there's still no snow in places near Milan. So, he has invited us to visit Lake Como and Bergamo City (40km from Milan) on Sunday. Unfortunately, I am the only one in our group who has not been to Lake Como(sigh!), we will visit only Bergamo because according to him we cannot visit 2 places for only half a day (he will meet us after lunch).

Although I'm a bit disappointed to not being able to see the beauty of Lake Como with my own eyes, I'm still looking forward to see Bergamo City. A quick Google check says it's a city of 2 cities -- Citta alta (upper city) and Citta bassa (lower city).

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 5:NCR Milan

It's my first day at the office. It's almost 45minutes (I think) from the apartment to the office. From the office, we take a bus, catch the train, then take the shuttle from the train station to the office, and vice versa. I now understand why people in big cities are always in a hurry. Their schedule revolves around the schedules of public transportation.

The office was still quiet when we arrived. I was assigned at a table with a view of the parking lot, the rotunda, and the alps, which is not bad. :) Everybody started arriving and some said hello to the new arrival. I can really say that most Italians are good-natured.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 4: Authentic Italian Cuisine

We were invited for lunch at a coworker's home in Casatenovo, Brianza; a few minutes by train from Milan. It was my first taste of authentic Italian cuisine, Italian hospitality, and everything Italian. The food was great and our hosts were very accomodating and geniunely interested to get to know us. I'm also glad to have met them.  To make a long story short, I had a great time. :)

They were really expecting us!

Appetizers: Prosciutto, Salami, Assorted Mushrooms, Pane (bread)


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 3: Jet Lag

So, this is what jet lag feels?:) I think I'll be staying indoors today. Sleep and work on some tasks so I can go to the places I've been planning to see. Words are very elusive to me right now.

Day 2: Milan Malpensa Airport

The plane arrived 15minutes earlier than its expected arrival time. The pilot informed us that it's 4degrees outside. But, I wouldn't know how cold it is because I haven't been to any cold country before. I had a lot on my mind. Will I go through custom check? Will I know how to claim my luggage? They're simple things that I shouldn't be worried about, but this is my first time in a foreign country. So, I guess I'm excused to worry about these petty things.

Passing through customs was a breeze, unlike what I experienced in my own country (it's another story). Getting my luggage was okay. The trolleys required a coin so in order to be used by arriving passengers. Fortunately, I was able to carry my two luggages by myself.

From the airport, I was met and driven to the apartment where our group will be staying. It took Stefano 1hour and 30minutes to drive us. I was wondering how long it would take us to arrive to our destination if his driving speed wasn't like this:

Thankfully, we arrived safe and sound. Along the way, I knew he was wondering why I was always taking pictures of buildings and whatnots. I heard and understood a little of what he was talking to my manager while they were talking on the phone. I really like their buildings/apartments here with different colors.

Ciao, Milano!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 1: Hong Kong International Airport

Thirty days in Milan, Italy for training, which is really work. I'm not complaining because after 3 long years, this trip finally pushed through. Today is the first day and I just arrived in Hong Kong International Airport, which operates one of the world's largest passenger terminal buildings according to wikipedia. I wish to share some pictures I took during my flight, but due to travel-related stress, I totally forgot where I placed the card reader.

I haven't explored the airport yet, so I probably should get going while my laptop still has enough battery. I'm still searching for a charging station. Before I sign off, I'd also like to take note that my wifi experience here is excellent!

Ciao! A prego Milano! (just practicing some Italian. not even sure if I said it right) *smiling*

Monday, September 27, 2010

A vision...a plan...

For the first time after a few years, I realized I want to do something. Something, that in a million years I never expect would cross my mind. It started with a thought, then a suggestion, after which, with much thinking, a desire. A desire from which a plan brewed (and still brewing), infusing me with this excitement that I usually feel after tasting black coffee or tea, probably with cream but no sugar! :)

♪ I believe in a faith that's strong;
I believe in a hope that carries on; ♫
♫ I believe in these things and more;
Most of all, most of all; ♪
♥ I believe in love ♥

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Dare: Complete the Oriental Lady of Wisdom by End of 2010

On December 17, 2009, I decided to start cross stitching again (after more than 5 years of hibernation). While browsing through a needlecraft store in one of the malls, I got attracted to the "Oriental Lady of Wisdom" because of the colors used in the pattern:

Some of my acquaintances usually say that I have one of the most boring hobbies. I believe otherwise. Cross stitching helps me create a thing of intricate beauty. I love the solitude when I'm completing a pattern; and when I'm done, I love the smile it brings to my face. The patterns I complete are not original, but they're the only art forms that I can create with my own hands (I think).

It's past the middle of 2010, but it's not yet 50% complete (disclaimer: busy work schedule...hehehe):
So, I've dared myself to complete it by the end of this year. *crosses fingers* The question is, can I do it?:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

What becomes of an objectified love?

A few weeks ago, I was surprised when someone joked at me saying I was an atheist. Then, someone else said that based on his observations, I am someone who has a lot of questions. Someone who questions even my faith in Him. I found it difficult to explain my feelings. There were some mumblings on my part, but I stopped because I really can't explain it to someone who hasn't or wouldn't acknowledge having felt this deep emotion. It's indescribable.

I remembered those conversations after reading the following excerpt from the book Opening to God: A Guide to Prayer by Thomas H. Green, S.J.:

"... Imagine the relationship between a husband and wife who truly love each other. They live for each other day by day. There are good days and bad days, but both are part of a relationship which deepens with the years and gives meaning to both their lives. There are moments of intimacy when they are able to experience and to express all that they mean to each other.

... Suddenly a troubling thought comes to the wife, and she is moved to voice it. "What," she asks her husband, "is the relevance of our love for each other?" What a queer question that would be at such a time! He would be puzzled, surprised, irritated perhaps. The mood of their loving encounter would be broken.

Why? Because love is not relevant -- timely, opportune, pertinent, useful. Once lovers begin to ask these questions their love has become an object to be examined and not an experience to be lived. And love objectified is love distorted -- the very thought of it makes uncomfortable those who have known love.

It is the same way with the love of God."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Espadrilles

A week ago, I went to visit a family friend (MJ) I haven't seen for a long while in the city where I grew up. I asked my nephew to accompany me since it was a weekend and with the assumption that he had nothing better to do. :)

Late in the afternoon, MJ wanted to get a haircut because it's 1/10 cheaper than in her adopted country. While we waited for her turn, there were some college students preparing for an acquaintance party. When they went out to sit on the couch, I immediately noticed one of them wearing espadrilles with her little black dress.

Espadrilles are my favorite type of shoes.:) So, I dared my nephew to ask the girl where she bought it. But, my nephew wouldn't dare ask! I even bribed him with a celphone or a laptop to no avail. Although I think he knows I was only kidding with the celphone and laptop. :) Using my phone, I tried to take a photo of the espadrilles to no avail. To appease my curiosity, my nephew took a shot from his celphone (he was next to the girl).

From that moment on, I was bugging him to email me the photo when he gets to a PC because my phone won't accept the photo through the infrared and bluetooth features.

Two days after that incident, I was on my way home from work when a heavy downpour occured. I stayed at a mall to wait for it to stop. Without thinking, I went to their shoe section to see if they have new shoes on display. And I can't believe my eyes when I saw the the same espadrilles! It was very affordable too! Eureka! :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

I felt confused

sayitloud, on said:
"If he likes you, you’ll know. If he doesn’t, you’ll be 'confused'."

I got confused. So, I guess he doesn't like me. Can't do anything about it, can I?:)

I think the confusion started when I wished he also likes me. *smiles and sings the line "Is it too much to think that we could have it all?"*

Music Playlist at

I'll miss the moments when he looks and smiles at me; the moments when he just calls my name, and when I'll ask why, he always smiles and answers with "Nothing". Sweet! They usually made my days brighter.:) I'll miss those days; especially the smiles!

This is not goodbye. I'm not jaded. It's a sweet hello to more sweet moments (for me) until I meet the one I haven't met yet. :)


Sunday, June 13, 2010


June 5, 2010

We've discussed this trip a few months ago, but due to very busy schedules, we've decided to make it on Weng's birthday. My housemates have very busy schedules, so I was glad when they found the time go through with our planned trip, which was to the South of Cebu Province. The first stop was in Barili to see Mantayupan Falls. Of course, we also enjoyed swimming in it. Then, to Badian to see and swim in Kawasan Falls. It was where we stayed and enjoyed most of our day. On the way back to Cebu, we stopped in Moalboal to enjoy the beach in Bas Dako. We left Cebu at 5:00AM and came back at around 9:30PM. We were tired but the trip was worth it.

Mantayupan Falls

Kawasan Falls

Local tourists riding a raft; enjoying the cascading waters of the first falls in Kawasan.

Weng took this shot while I was enjoying the waters from the second falls. It was where we rode a raft and enjoyed the cool waters. It was exhilirating to be with nature. I never expected I'd enjoy the waters and our stay there.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Choice

A friend forwarded me the following text message:

"There are things in life that never last. But the truth is, you never lose them until you let them go. Life is about choices -- hanging on, holding back, letting go. Some things do last...if you just let them, and if they let you."

What if we've done all those choices to the same person, but each time we make a choice the outcome is either -- it never lasts or we still can't let go?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I see Chuck in my sleep...:)

I like this of the soundtracks in the 11th episode of Chuck Season 3.

...I know I miss you, but I know I'll see you in my sleep...:)