Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 2: Milan Malpensa Airport

The plane arrived 15minutes earlier than its expected arrival time. The pilot informed us that it's 4degrees outside. But, I wouldn't know how cold it is because I haven't been to any cold country before. I had a lot on my mind. Will I go through custom check? Will I know how to claim my luggage? They're simple things that I shouldn't be worried about, but this is my first time in a foreign country. So, I guess I'm excused to worry about these petty things.

Passing through customs was a breeze, unlike what I experienced in my own country (it's another story). Getting my luggage was okay. The trolleys required a coin so in order to be used by arriving passengers. Fortunately, I was able to carry my two luggages by myself.

From the airport, I was met and driven to the apartment where our group will be staying. It took Stefano 1hour and 30minutes to drive us. I was wondering how long it would take us to arrive to our destination if his driving speed wasn't like this:

Thankfully, we arrived safe and sound. Along the way, I knew he was wondering why I was always taking pictures of buildings and whatnots. I heard and understood a little of what he was talking to my manager while they were talking on the phone. I really like their buildings/apartments here with different colors.

Ciao, Milano!

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