Friday, July 9, 2010

I felt confused

sayitloud, on said:
"If he likes you, you’ll know. If he doesn’t, you’ll be 'confused'."

I got confused. So, I guess he doesn't like me. Can't do anything about it, can I?:)

I think the confusion started when I wished he also likes me. *smiles and sings the line "Is it too much to think that we could have it all?"*

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I'll miss the moments when he looks and smiles at me; the moments when he just calls my name, and when I'll ask why, he always smiles and answers with "Nothing". Sweet! They usually made my days brighter.:) I'll miss those days; especially the smiles!

This is not goodbye. I'm not jaded. It's a sweet hello to more sweet moments (for me) until I meet the one I haven't met yet. :)


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