Sunday, August 24, 2014


Classes have started. Excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because I've finally closed a loop in my personal life. That is, after a decade, I finally went through my plan to enroll in the program that have always been at the back of my mind. Nervous because after closing a loop, I have opened a new one, which I might be unable to close. The good thing is, the feeling is mostly "excitement."

I have just finished with one of the first assigned readings in a course about underdevelopment and the societal problems that came with it. Problems that I still couldn't believe exist -- even though I am living in a Third World country [oooppps! I just learned that this term is no longer "in" after Europe's Iron Curtain fell]. At the end of the module, the authors noted that my personal encounters with those problems may have prompted me to become personally engaged in finding solutions. I am ashamed, but I have to admit that I have become desensitized by what I see on a daily basis -- on the streets in two of our major cities. However, I would agree that those encounters always leave me frustrated and helpless.

It left me thinking, what should I do to become one of the solutions to these problems? I hope I would have a concrete answer by the end of the semester.

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