Thursday, January 9, 2014

Exploring Me

Since the start of the new year, I have been searching for planners and journals that would fit my personality or probably, my lifestyle. Although I'm writing for a living, I am lazy when it comes to putting my thoughts into words. Fortunately, I found a journal that I would like to try (another story in another post) and I also had the opportunity to gain access to the Mind Tools™ 2014 Life Plan Workbook through a 1 month membership fee promotion (from $27 to only $1). It was my curiosity that led me to decide to take the opportunity (although in reality, I should be thanking them because it was like receiving something valuable for free) and my desire know what I really want to do and accomplish in my life; and plan them in alignment with my values.

Although I've only completed the first part of the framework used in the workbook, it has helped me realize that I'm really not such a loser after all. I mean, when life gets me down especially in the past couple of years, I couldn't help but feel that I really haven't accomplished anything or added value to my being or to someone else. But after going through the exercises of "Exploring [Me]", I realized that I don't have to always look to someone else for inspiration or to always seek acknowledgment from others to feel accomplished. At times, I just need to look from within to realize what God has made me go through to appreciate what I have become and the values I hold dear (and shouldn't let go) to make my choices and decisions.

In summary, the workbook asked me to write the factors that contributed in the following situations:

Things That Make Me HAPPY:
1.      Worked with people who have similar interests.
2.      I am allowed to make decisions.
3.      I am treated as an adult who is responsible for my actions and for the decisions I made.
4.      Visited sites I never expected to see with my own eyes in my lifetime.
5.      The feeling of accomplishment.

Things That Make Me PROUD:
1.      The need to complete a legally-binding contract.
2.      The desire to prove to others that I can do the job no matter how unlikely it was for me.
3.      The desire to not fail those who believe in my capacity to overcome difficult situations.
4.      The desire to learn and be good at what I do.
5.      The desire to spin a negative experience to something positive.

Things That Make Me FULFILLED:
1.      The desire to help.
2.      The desire to share my blessings.

My Most Important VALUES:
1.      Accountability
2.      Independence
3.      Results-orientation
4.      Diligence
5.      Making a difference

My Most Important NEEDS:
1.      Spirituality
2.      Trust
3.      Self-esteem
4.      Freedom
5.      Accomplishment

How about you? What are the factors that made you fulfilled, happy, and proud in certain situations?

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