Friday, August 16, 2013

Action Creates Inspiration

I had the opportunity to meet and work with certain people who have very strong fighting spirits; who have affirmed my belief in the verse from Mathew 7:7:

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

They are the parents who have had the humility and courage to ask for any kind of help from friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and even strangers -- to save their children from heart conditions to cancer. They are also friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers who were generous enough to extend their help in various ways.

I was recently inspired to write one of the parents how their fight for their child's life has humbled me and helped me strive to become a better person everyday. The response I got gave me the courage to publicly affirm that their personal struggles have humbled me.

I am very thankful to them for having the courage to share their struggles and successes on their fight to save their children; for the opportunity to offer my help in small ways. It has strengthened my faith and given me hope that we can always overcome whatever comes our way when we have faith not only in the love of our Father, but also in the compassion of human hearts.

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