Saturday, June 15, 2013

Packing, Moving, Letting Go

I'm packing my things for transfer to a new place. The excitement has passed and sorting my things made me feel melancholic. As I'm sorting through my things, deciding which things would go to whom and which things should stay with me, I couldn't help feeling a tug at my heart. I've also found letters and cards given by friends and acquaintances. There are also those from family. For those I haven't seen in a while and for those I know I would never see in this lifetime, I miss them all (sniff...tsk). Especially my mom...I miss her so much (I found something that reminded me of her).

I thought packing up would be as easy as eating cake but, I realized it isn't. Especially when my objective self is clashing with my emotional self. The former says shred, throw, or give to someone else; the latter says keep for memories' sake. Yes, I know, I know, even by just reading this myself, objectivity must prevail. I have to let go and move on so that I would have enough space for new and good (if not great) things that would come my way.

Let's see, yesterday I successfully sold the following bulky things:

1. Bed with mattress
2. Foldable desktop table and chair
3. Two folding beds
4. Bedside table
5. Portable Closet

Looking at the mess around me, I would be keeping the following:

1. Laptop (yes, I was actually considering selling everything)
2. Subwoofer and speakers
3. Airbed (nobody would buy...sigh)
4. Stand fan and small desk fan (nobody would buy the latter...sigh again)
5. Plastic tray
6. Ironing board
7. some bags
8. some shoes
9. most of my clothes (of course!)
10. a box of some books and personal documents
11. rice cooker

Whew! My goal was to bring only at least 10 groups of things. I failed (mimicking Green Arrow when he says to villains "You failed...!) Of course, the refrigerator and plastic drawer that my former roommate would like me to use, do not count. I was thinking of declining her offer, but the using the refrigerator for free is hard to pass up. :D

Enough said, I'll leave this mess for a few hours. It's also hard to pass up an invite from good people to spend time with them and watch the Man of Steel. I think I need a dose of "happy" to get over this melancholic feeling.

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