Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dreams and Choices

The second part of the framework used in the Mind Tools™ 2014 Life Plan Workbook was about exploring dreams. I was asked to list at least 100 dreams -- listing them without constraints. Sky is the limit! Unfortunately, I could only come up with 20. Is it sad? Or am I just a bore? hahaha....

The third part of the framework was about making the right choicesAfter exploring my dreams, I was asked to identify a total of 10 dreams that belong to any life area. But because I aspire to have a balanced life, I chose one dream for each area. 

Artistic Pursuits

About creativity for creativity's sake or for reward/popularity.

1. Write interesting and engaging posts in my blog; about anything under the sun or about my all-expense-paid travels.


About career development and work life.

2. Become a teacher and business owner.

Education and Self-Development

About knowledge acquisitions and future growth in these areas.

3. Complete postgraduate degrees in the communication & languages fields.


About family and other personal relationships.

4. Be a source of strength and inspiration to my nieces and nephews; and if God permits -- to my future children and husband (ehem!).


About wealth acquisitions and enjoyable retirement that are rightfully deserved.

5. Own physical assets and financial investments with zero liabilities.

Health and Fitness

About sports/physical achievement and good health.

6. Be a Christian yoga instructor.

Passionate pursuits

About fun activities that I like to do.

7. Travel to, and live in foreign countries for language and cultural immersions.


About owning things I like.

8. Own a spacious 2-storey house (based on a Zen design) and a 2-storey 8-unit apartment building.

Public Service

About things I'd like to do for others that would make their perception of the world better.

9. Provide financial assistance to deserving students.


About developing my mind or soul to strenghten my faith in God.

10. Be a Catholic apologetic or catechist.

Choosing the most important dreams and focusing on them would help me avoid spreading my efforts too thinly. It would also guide me in creating powerful goals and achieving them with clarity of purpose. I wish I could expound more on these dreams. Probably in other future posts. :)

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