Thursday, August 23, 2007

Your Perception

When some of us get the blues, we can't help but think of our disappointments in things and people. But, it's how we perceive the things that come our way and how we deal with them that matters. Of course, we did some wallowing in the mud of anger or self-pity. Life would be so boring if we don't experience some bumps along the way. But the truth is, the world won't stop spinning for us. While we're so caught up in our own sorrows and disappointments, life goes on.

Yes, there's always time for everything. There's time to feel those negative emotions and, time to think and feel positive. But the only time we can think and feel positive is the time when we decide to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. That is the time when we have the strength and courage to stand up for things in life that matters most to us and leave behind those that don't matter. When we stumble, we usually stand up and dust the dirt off. We should do the same in our lives. When we do this then look back, we'd realized things weren't really that bad. We'll be so glad that the outcome of things that got us pretty disappointed 'coz they didn't turn out the way we wanted -- did wonders for us. Life is fun. Stand up, dust the dirt off, and resume your adventure.

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