Thursday, August 23, 2007


Do you send a text message? Call? Or, try to focus your mind at work and keep those fingers busy on that keyboard for 8hrs/5 days a week? Read all the books waiting in the pile? Continue with that crosstitch you haven't finished? Get busy with acquainting yourself with your digicam's features and start trying to get fantastic photos? Listen to your mp3 the whole day in the office and during weekends? Play the whole album with the songs that you like -- over and over -- just to get the lyrics right so you could sing along? [Because you learned that the lyrics have copyright restrictions and you've been trying to find a copy from the internet -- in vain.] Try to learn playing the guitar with the chords of "Way Back Into Love"? [But you felt that you can't play it coz it's beyond your powers, so you resolve to make him play it for you. By hook or by crook. So you try to convince yourself "what's one month or two months more?"] Try to make up your mind whether you'd join or not, in the dance presentation during the company's sportsfest? [Do you have two left feet?] or play in one of the sports? [Unfortunately, the only sports you know is dodgeball...hehehe...but you're scared of balls thrown at you...right?...tsk,tsk..]...whew!!!Now, make up your mind and get busy lady!:)

Your Perception

When some of us get the blues, we can't help but think of our disappointments in things and people. But, it's how we perceive the things that come our way and how we deal with them that matters. Of course, we did some wallowing in the mud of anger or self-pity. Life would be so boring if we don't experience some bumps along the way. But the truth is, the world won't stop spinning for us. While we're so caught up in our own sorrows and disappointments, life goes on.

Yes, there's always time for everything. There's time to feel those negative emotions and, time to think and feel positive. But the only time we can think and feel positive is the time when we decide to stop feeling sorry for ourselves. That is the time when we have the strength and courage to stand up for things in life that matters most to us and leave behind those that don't matter. When we stumble, we usually stand up and dust the dirt off. We should do the same in our lives. When we do this then look back, we'd realized things weren't really that bad. We'll be so glad that the outcome of things that got us pretty disappointed 'coz they didn't turn out the way we wanted -- did wonders for us. Life is fun. Stand up, dust the dirt off, and resume your adventure.

Friday, August 10, 2007


said to Remi...."..if you focus on what's left behind, you may not be able to see what lies ahead."...[Ratatouille]

I agree with him.....mao ra..bow....heheh....

Sunday, May 13, 2007

A Grateful Heart

"experience always reminds me that nothing compares with having a grateful heart."

Life's Lessons from a Bum

While watching the movie "With Honors" again the other night[I saw this when I was in high school], I was touched by a conversation between Monty Kessler ( a senior at Harvard played by Brendan Fraser -- one of my longtime celebrity crushes..hehehe) and Simon Wilder (a bum played by Joe Pesci) -- while Simon was preparing his obituary.

Simon gave Monty a piece of his mind on one of life's important lessons:

"When it comes to relationships, everybody's a used-car salesman. . . . Oh, you gotta trust people, but you just can't believe in the warranty. . . . You'd be surprised how different the view is on the way out than on the way in."

I believe this holds some truth.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Unexpected...

a fitting passage [page 108] in Terry Brooks' Wizard at Large:

"It had happened almost without his realizing it, a gradual strengthening of ties, a binding of feelings and emotions, a joining of their lives.  He recognized the truth of it and marveled in his recognition that such a thing could be."