Saturday, September 17, 2011

a test of self discipline

[She] who controls others may be powerful, but [she] who has mastered [herself] is mightier still. ~ Lao Tzu

The Plan

Day 1. The plan is to absolutely abstain from drinking softdrinks and eating chips -- 100 days before Christmas. Can I do it? For someone who loves softdrinks and other junk foods, it will be a test of will. The goal is to lose weight gradually. At 5'2.5", I want to maintain a weight of only 50-51kgs. As of today, I'm 56.2kgs. So, I need to lose a maximum of 6.2 kgs (I'm very good at Math *haha!*) by December 24.

My roommate tells me that I should check my weight every week after taking a bath -- clothes off. She got the idea from a television program. So, I will do just that.

Of course, we all know that abstaining from weight-gaining food is not enough. So, I've also resolved to be more active starting with doing basic yoga regularly again (at least 3 times a week) and probably get into running if I still have time (no resolve about this, for now).

I will take note of this journey to motivate and inspire myself when I feel like giving up on reaching my goal *crosses fingers*. I also hope that with my posts, I can also inspire you. :)


  1. weeeh! good luck on this journey, cath! i hope matakdan ko. :hide:

  2. hahaha...thanks JIN!hihihi...good luck to us! :D
