Monday, February 2, 2015

Of Weddings and Friendships . . .

Weddings. I've often wondered about it. Not because I wish that someday the wedding I'd be participating in would be mine but, because as I've matured I've noticed that it sometimes lead to strained relationships between long-time friends (or so, we thought).

The past months I've known friends who got married. I was invited in one, while I was forgotten in one. I got disappointed when I wasn't invited; more so, because the "friend" didn't have a choice but to inform me of her big day. I also remembered feeling the same way when I wasn't asked to be in the entourage in another friend's wedding a few years back. *embarassing but true (blushes)* To be fair, I've tried reasoning with myself that it's probably really never about friendships but about financial budgets and wedding whatnots.

I got to thinking about these thoughts because I recently met with a long-time friend who was also forgotten in that one recent wedding. I believe we both felt the same way and I know that we had the same nagging question -- "Why were we not invited or even informed?" I'm not sure we'd learn about the answer or if we'd still care about it in the future. But as of the moment, I could find only one explanation; that is, we didn't really matter to her. *sour grape, anyone? :D*

But, should we really gauge our friendships based on whether we're invited or have a part in our friends' big happy day? From an objective point of view, I know the answer. But, why is it that most of us want to be part of that "one of the most important day" in our friends' lives?

I should probably lay this to rest because the more I think about it, the more questions pop in my head. And based on experience, true friends will always "get over it." I hope my friends won't be disappointed when my Big Day comes (tongue-in-cheek).