Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Dare: Complete the Oriental Lady of Wisdom by End of 2010

On December 17, 2009, I decided to start cross stitching again (after more than 5 years of hibernation). While browsing through a needlecraft store in one of the malls, I got attracted to the "Oriental Lady of Wisdom" because of the colors used in the pattern:

Some of my acquaintances usually say that I have one of the most boring hobbies. I believe otherwise. Cross stitching helps me create a thing of intricate beauty. I love the solitude when I'm completing a pattern; and when I'm done, I love the smile it brings to my face. The patterns I complete are not original, but they're the only art forms that I can create with my own hands (I think).

It's past the middle of 2010, but it's not yet 50% complete (disclaimer: busy work schedule...hehehe):
So, I've dared myself to complete it by the end of this year. *crosses fingers* The question is, can I do it?:)

Monday, August 2, 2010

What becomes of an objectified love?

A few weeks ago, I was surprised when someone joked at me saying I was an atheist. Then, someone else said that based on his observations, I am someone who has a lot of questions. Someone who questions even my faith in Him. I found it difficult to explain my feelings. There were some mumblings on my part, but I stopped because I really can't explain it to someone who hasn't or wouldn't acknowledge having felt this deep emotion. It's indescribable.

I remembered those conversations after reading the following excerpt from the book Opening to God: A Guide to Prayer by Thomas H. Green, S.J.:

"... Imagine the relationship between a husband and wife who truly love each other. They live for each other day by day. There are good days and bad days, but both are part of a relationship which deepens with the years and gives meaning to both their lives. There are moments of intimacy when they are able to experience and to express all that they mean to each other.

... Suddenly a troubling thought comes to the wife, and she is moved to voice it. "What," she asks her husband, "is the relevance of our love for each other?" What a queer question that would be at such a time! He would be puzzled, surprised, irritated perhaps. The mood of their loving encounter would be broken.

Why? Because love is not relevant -- timely, opportune, pertinent, useful. Once lovers begin to ask these questions their love has become an object to be examined and not an experience to be lived. And love objectified is love distorted -- the very thought of it makes uncomfortable those who have known love.

It is the same way with the love of God."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Espadrilles

A week ago, I went to visit a family friend (MJ) I haven't seen for a long while in the city where I grew up. I asked my nephew to accompany me since it was a weekend and with the assumption that he had nothing better to do. :)

Late in the afternoon, MJ wanted to get a haircut because it's 1/10 cheaper than in her adopted country. While we waited for her turn, there were some college students preparing for an acquaintance party. When they went out to sit on the couch, I immediately noticed one of them wearing espadrilles with her little black dress.

Espadrilles are my favorite type of shoes.:) So, I dared my nephew to ask the girl where she bought it. But, my nephew wouldn't dare ask! I even bribed him with a celphone or a laptop to no avail. Although I think he knows I was only kidding with the celphone and laptop. :) Using my phone, I tried to take a photo of the espadrilles to no avail. To appease my curiosity, my nephew took a shot from his celphone (he was next to the girl).

From that moment on, I was bugging him to email me the photo when he gets to a PC because my phone won't accept the photo through the infrared and bluetooth features.

Two days after that incident, I was on my way home from work when a heavy downpour occured. I stayed at a mall to wait for it to stop. Without thinking, I went to their shoe section to see if they have new shoes on display. And I can't believe my eyes when I saw the the same espadrilles! It was very affordable too! Eureka! :)