Wednesday, January 4, 2006

christmas break..;)

Get-together with classmates & old friends

It was one of those times that I get to enjoy my vacation in my hometown.  The past year was cathartic for me.  I had the time and opportunity to bond with friends old and new, faced my fears, and put closure on an issue, which I've been carrying since "that certain day" of my adolescent life.


I never expected the extent of the happiness I felt when I had the opportunity to apologize for hurting someone without any explanation.  Though I believe my reasons then were right, I still think I owe the person an apology [even though I realized it was mostly for peace in my mind and heart].  I still don't know whether my apology was accepted, nevertheless, I felt happier 'coz I was able to say what I've been meaning to say for quite some time [8 years, 8 months, and 2 days -- to be exact].

I also had the opportunity to walk the streets of my then [I thought] happy yet boring life.  I'm glad to note that I don't feel the hurt anymore while walking those streets.  I was able to share that moment with a long lost friend whose hurried pace has left me catching my breath.

For all the blessings and love I received in the past year, I face the New Year with confidence and love in my heart.