Wednesday, June 29, 2005


by Catherine Pulsifer 

"Perseverance allows you to get back
on track when you hit a detour."

Perseverance is the ability to keep going in the face of continuous challenges. It is the ability to disregard distractions and to stay focused.

You may have to take detours to get to your end goal. But, as long as you persevere and realize that the detour is simply another alternative path in the direction of your goal, you will continue to move forward.

Those who see a detour as a reason to quit, lack perseverance. You will always face challenges as you work towards your goals. Your ability to persevere will determine your ultimate success!

It takes effort and belief to persevere and stay dedicated to accomplish your goal. When you find yourself doubting whether the effort is worth it, visualize how you will feel and what you will have once your goal is completed.

Persevere, and,
don't let any self-doubt distract you.